Fusion-based energy creation based on the Marvel Fusion model has six distinct advantages:
1. Fuel abundance: The fuel used in the pB-11 fusion reaction is effectively inexhaustible. Boron is a material with wide occurrence in the Earth crust, i.e. in Turkey and in the United States.
2. Baseload power: Fusion energy generally does not depend on external factors such as wind or sun, making it continuously deployable whenever needed at baseload capacity.
3. High fuel efficiency: Fusion produces more energy per gram of fuel than any other process that could be achieved on Earth.
4. Carbon-free: The pB-11 fusion reaction produces positively charged alpha-particles and helium, no carbon or other greenhouse gases.
5. No chain reaction: Fusion is not based on a chain reaction and specific conditions of heat and pressure need to be maintained for fusion to occur. Therefore, if there were any technical problems, a fusion facility could be immediately switched off and the process would stop within seconds.
6. No problematic waste: Fusion power plants do not produce long-lived radioactive waste. With Marvel Fusion’s pB-11 fuel choice no radioactive material must be delivered to or stored in the power plant. The pB-11 fusion process does not produce a significant number of neutrons that activate surrounding reactor wall materials and therefore no long-lived waste.
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